Pops out in my mind.....
I'm feeling unhappy...why?????
2009 ended with the very tragic event to Muslim community in this country
The High Court's decision over the word of Allah was in favor of the Catholic Church.
Allah is no longer exclusive to Muslim. I can't even imagine how we can share the same God to other religion.
What makes me very unhappy is some of Muslims agree that the Catholic Church should be given the right to use the word Allah in their weekly magazine-The Herald. Why they are very tolerant? can't they read the agenda behind this. Come on my Muslim brothers and sisters!!! it is missionary agenda to destroy the very pristine of Islam.
Islam and Christian is differed in terms of belief or 'aqidah. We are Muslims believe that Allah is the Almighty and the Only One. In contrast, Christians believe in the concept of trinity where they themselves could not explain.
In Christianity, Allah is referred to The God Father. Allah mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, "wa ilahukum ilahu wahid". Additionally, we are differed as Allah also mentioned in the Qur'an, "Lakum Dinukum Waliyadin"-you with your religion, and we Muslims with our religion which is Islam. Allah also mentioned in the Qur'an, "Inna Ad-dinu 'IndAllah il al-Islam"-The only religion besides Allah is Islam. Therefore, Allah is exclusively refers to Muslims' God forever and ever.
I'm begging you all my Muslims brothers and sisters...
streghthen our Aqidah and brotherhood to defense Islam. Don't be like invaluable bubbles in the ocean. wassalam.

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