(This paper was prepared together with my group members; Sara, Syazwani and Fiza.
Bunch of thanks for your keen cooperation)
Crime rates in Malaysia keep increasing day by day and it caused fear to the society at large. According to the CPPS (Centre for Public Policy Studies: 2008), the Crime Index worsened from 156, 315 cases in 2003 to 224,298 cases in 2007 or 45% rise over past four years, increasing 13.4% in 2007 alone. Additionally, the report’s statistic showed that crime rate in Malaysia increased by 8.7% for the first months of 2007 compared to 2006. Violent crimes can be including murder, attempted murder, rape, and gang robbery with or without firearm. As reported by CPPS they are increased by 85% from 2003 to 2006.
Because of that, for the first time in Malaysian General Election, security issues have been used as campaigning issue specifically in the last Twelfth General Election to gain people’s votes. Both ruling party (BN) and Opposition parties (BA) did reflect on the people’s fear over the increasing crime rates especially violence and property crime. There are several types of crime contribute to the inclination of the rate. They are drugs trafficking, robberies and rape.
News Straits Times reports that while the general crime rate in 2007, January to June had dropped, there has been an increase in number of rape case. In addition to it, former opposition leader, Lim Guan Eng tells IPS ( Interpress News Agency) that in the last 7 months of 2007, there were five times as many unreported rape cases, making “Malaysian the ‘crime capital’ in Southeast Asia. Therefore, this policy paper will be focusing on crime rapes since it keeps increasing from time to time.
Rape is one of crime cases. It keeps increasing from time to time. It contributes to inclination of crime index and quick action is truly needed. Society is worrying about this situation. Thus, we should understand in deep what rape is all about. According to Lee (1942), as quoted from Amir, (1971; Media &Thompson, 1974:12; Russel, 1982) rape refers to a physically forceful attempt at sexually intimacy when one of the individuals involved chooses not to become sexually intimate. While statutory rape in Malaysia defines that, any sexual intimacy with girl under age of 16-year old is considered rape even though it happens due to mutual consent.
Generally, rape can be categorized into three types, which are incest, stranger rape and date rape (Veeramuthu: 2008). Incest is sexual violence done by someone who have blood relationship or biologically related like father, brother and close relatives. Stranger rape is a sexual violence involving unrelated and unknown person like drug rape like a person puts pill or drug into your drink without your knowledge. Unlike the former type of rape, date rape or sometimes called as acquaintance rape is sexual violence involve persons whom the victims know well. According of WAO, there is nearly 80% rapists are people known by the survivor. The fact of rape that needs to be disclosed is a high percentage of rapists are acquaintances and friends in addition to relatives.
Statistics of Crime Index showed that rape cases are increasing from year to year ahead. In 1997, there were 1429 cases had been reported and in 2004, the number increased to 1718 (Royal Malaysia Police). According to United Nations’ report that refers between the year of 1998 to 2000, Malaysia was the second worst in Asia that having high cases of rape including ‘date rape or acquaintance rape’. Woman’s Aid Organization (WAO) reported that number of rape cases for 2007 were 3098, while incest was 360 cases.
Besides, incest cases also worry many parties as reported publicly by the Bukit Aman’s Royal Malaysian Police, which showed us 161 cases had been lodged into police reports from January to June 2008. In addition to it, the new trend of rape and murder has been widely reported. Based on one research, from year 1984 to February 2006, there were cases of rape and murder and only 23 cases or 26.4% of those reported cases had been solved where the criminals were sentenced to death.
There are many factors that contribute to this case such as influenced by pornographic movies, or books, and limited private space in a house or apartment. As mentioned by Abraham (2002) suggests that in the case of incest, the evidence indicates that the incidence tends to be higher among the underprivileged, ‘working class’, and under class and other racial/ethnic groups and individuals who find themselves being politically, economically and socially marginalized.
For us, we considered this issue as moderately structured problem. It means that this problem structuring involved one or few decision makers and relatively a limited number of alternatives. However the outcomes of the alternatives are uncertain. This is because, as we all know, lots of actions and efforts have been taken by government to reduce this case, but it keeps increasing from time to time. For example, the enforcement of harsher punishment and in 2001 the Penal Code has been reviewed. However it could not help in reducing the percentage. Meaning to say is that, the laws that imposed by government does not make any sense towards society rather than this case keep increasing.
Therefore in our policy paper, we want to examine and at the same time make a recommendation regarding the effective solution that government need to choose in order to reduce rape cases in Malaysia .
What is the most effective solution to reduce rape cases in Malaysia ?
Because of rape cases keep increasing from time to time, for us it is our responsibility to search and research why the rape cases still increase despite of hard punishment has been imposed to rapist. We are also enthusiastic to find the best solution to lower and gradually zeroing the crime rates in Malaysia .
Our objectives and goals of this paper are:-
1. To inculcate self-awareness among citizens regarding rape cases.
a. We try to search an effective method to ensure citizens of Malaysia are exposing towards the disadvantage of rape, how they can prevent it and so on.
2. To reduce the number of rape cases within five years.
a. Thus we hope, our recommendation could help government in reducing the percentage of rape cases in Malaysia within 5 years.
- Lack of awareness among individual lead to rape cases
According to a report showed by WAO there are nearly 80% rapists are people known by the rape victim. Therefore, we assume that many of the rape cases are due to victims’ lack of awareness. They easily trapped by the rapists whom they close to like boyfriends, adopted brothers (abang angkat), and male acquaintances.
- Lack of media control leads to rape cases
Media is very important in today’s life. It is where we know outside world. Unfortunately, negative part of media, there is lack control over it. Pornography items extensively available in media like videos and internet. People regardless of ages are easily getting access into 18sx website. Bergen and Bogle (2000) have found that there is relationship between pornography and sexual violence. Findings include that 28% of respondents reported that their abuser used pornography and that for 12% of the women, pornography was imitated during the abusive incident.
Many parties including governmental organization, non-governmental organization as well as private sector have put lots of effort in preventing this crime to be happened and protecting the citizens to become victims. Among the available solutions and alternatives towards preventing rape to be happen are;
The first is that, imposing harder laws. This we can include it to the death punishment, life imprisonment, and double the number of whipping. According to Nadesan (2002), in Malaysian law as refer to Sections 375 and 376 of the Penal Code, it has been stated that a man who is said to commit rape shall be punished for a term which may extend to 20 years, and shall also be liable to whipping, if he has sexual intercourse with a woman without her consent as well as with or without a consent of women under the age of 16 years old. Then for incestuous rape the rapist shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of not less than 8 years and not more than 30 years, and shall also be punished with whipping of not less than 10.
In addition of this, it stated by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (The Star: April 2002), he said that those convicted of these offences, especially against children, must be severely punished. He wants penal code to be reviewed since the responsibility of adult is to protect the children. Thus The Penal Code was amended to include a new section 376A, which separates incest from other forms of rape. It is supported by Rais Yatim in which he stated that the number of whipping to be meted out on those found guilty of such crimes. As mentioned by Mahathir Mohamad he is supported 'heavier punishment' for the wrongdoers in which as lessons towards them (The Straitstimes Interactive: April 2002).
The third alternative is castrate or ‘kasi’. It is suggested by president of the Association of Muslim Lawyers (Utusan Malaysia Online: April 2002). Castrate or ‘kasi’ means, inject or kill rapist’s penis with chemical to reduce their sex drive. However many parties such as former ‘Mufti’ of Wilayah Persekutuan, against this punishment since in Islam also, it also mentioned by Prophet Muhammad in which one of his companions wanted to cut his penis in order to control his desire when seeing beautiful women. But, Prophet disallowed this action rather than encourage that person to fasting.
The fourth alternative is change female’s school students uniform. This alternative is proposed by vice president of National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia or in Malay it known as Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM). She said that, white school uniform being the cause of incidences of rape and moral decadence (Malaysia Kini: May 2008). She recommended that the color of the school uniform should be changed to remove the source of attraction for men. However there is some argument that rape is a violent crime and is an exercise of power by men and their desire to subjugate those weaker and smaller than them. The way women’s dressing is not the cause of rape. Furthermore it stated by Hishamuddin Tun Hussein, it is unfair to blame the students or their uniforms that lead to sexual crimes.
The fifth alternative is continuously campaign purposely to inculcate the self awareness among society itself especially women. This would be conducted by various agencies including public or private sector as well as non-governmental organization.
The last alternative is sex education. Malaysia ’s government has introduced sex education in 2006 in order to overcome social problems amongst juveniles. According to Jaafar and Chan (2009), quoted from Haffner, sex education is the knowledge of the functional, structural and behavioral aspects of human reproduction. Sexuality education is lifelong process of acquiring information and forming attitudes, beliefs, and values about identities, relationship and intimacies. Administrators, educators, parents and community leaders stated that this subject is important to control promiscuity and to eliminate all undesirable or negative problems amongst juveniles.
Therefore in analysis part, we would try to examine each alternative in accordance to feasibility’s criteria such as in term of political, social, economic, and technological as well as administrative aspects.
In order to implement the best solution towards reducing the rape rates in Malaysia is success; all parties including public, private sector as well as non-governmental organization must play their roles. Thus, among the organizations that play their roles in this policy implementations are;
The first is in public sector which it is from government side. For example; Royal Malaysia Police Force. They also consist of Rape Squad that available in most states of Malaysia . They also can be considered as public administrators that play the role of executives. The aim is to create a more conducive environment so that rape survivors (women and children) feel more comfortable making reports to the police and they are more cooperative in providing evidence to assist in investigations. In addition, Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development also play their role in reducing the rape cases in Malaysia . As legislative roles, they need to strengthen the laws in Malaysia especially in preventing this case. Moreover there are one-stop service centers run by government hospitals for the victims of sexual offences. If a victim visits there and reports their injuries, the centre will report it to the police, and the victim can receive medical checks and treatment in the hospital. The centre has some psychological and psychiatric specialists, who interview and provide aftercare for the victims.
The second major actor is non-governmental organization (NGOs). It is any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is organized on a local, national or international level. This group can be considered as major stoke holders since they are collaborated with each other in order to prevent rape cases among women in Malaysia . For example All Women's Action Society (AWAM). This group highly focused on campaign against rape. Another NGO bodies which involve in assisting the rape crimes is KEWAJA. KEWAJA’s role and responsibilities are to ensure the safety and health of women and children who would be born legally or illegally. Some of their roles includes provide residential or vocational training centers and self-development for women and girls who had engaged in immoral activities and even personal problems that humiliate themselves and their families.
Last but not least is private sector itself. This organization should create a policy in their organization, or conduct seminar regarding the rape issue. Thus, all the staff are exposing towards this issue. In addition, media also must play their roles by highlighting this issue.
We already discussed several alternatives that could help in reducing and solving the rape cases in Malaysia . Then, we will forecast and predict each alternative based on its feasibility assessment. It refers to the comprehensive and multi- faceted approach. We will analyze our policy recommendation from different criteria feasibility such as technology, economic, political, cultural or social and administration.
Harder punishment
Change uniform for female students
Continuous awareness campaign
Sex education
Not Feasible
High Feasible
Thus, we agreed to choose that, the effective solution to reduce rape cases in Malaysia is a continuous awareness campaign for all citizens.
It is because; other alternative such as harder punishment already has been imposed by government nowadays in our country. Technology’s development and enough infrastructures in our country will help government to implement this punishment successfully. However it does not give any impact towards the rapists itself. It means they are not afraid of those punishment enacted by government even though government already reviewed the Penal Code in 2002 by separating the incest case from rapes. Then under Section 375 of the Penal Code it has been amended to increase penalties for rape maximum sentence of 30 years imprisonment, a minimum of 15 years imprisonment for rape and incest rape death penalty against offenders if the rape victim died.
However it does not give any impact towards them. Thus, in terms of economics, we think government should spend the budget and resources to something that is valuable to society. In terms of political, social and cultural aspects, the security is highly demanded by the society at large. Therefore, politicians will act upon to this issue as response to society’s demands. Similarly, administrators are available to carry out this policy.
With regard to kasi punishment, even though technological devices are sufficient enough to carry out the punishment yet. This alternative already invites clashes of disagreement as it is violates religious, cultural and social values. The punishment is too harsh where it brings the rapists to permanent disabled.
In addition of this, we could see that, changes female students’ school uniform is irrelevant since clothes do not have any relationship towards men’s distraction. For example in the case of the rape and murder case of Noor Suzaily Mokhtar, a 24-year-old. She was raped and murdered in a bus in a year of 2000. Hanafi Mat Hassan, the driver of the bus, was found guilty of raping and murdering Noor Suzaily. He was sentenced to death for the murder and ordered to be given 12 strokes for the rape. During that time Noor Suzaily was wearing the clothes that covered her “aurah”. (Malaysia Kini: May 2008). Thus it shows that clothes do not prevent nor protect women from being raped. Furthermore, we should understand the situation of poor family if government implements this policy. They need to earn extra money for this purpose.
Next is sex education. We have quite satisfied technology and administrators to implement such alternative like related software and teachers. However, the problem now is, we have limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants due to economy scarcity. What more, every new policy needs a huge amount of money. Furthermore, this alternative arguable as it is not in tune with our Asian culture.
Therefore we come out with the alternative that is most relevant to be implemented which is continuous awareness campaign. Before this, it is being implemented but not in consistent way. The purpose of this alternative is to inculcate awareness among citizens especially for the women. Meaning to say is that, we try to focus more on preventing the women to engage in rape and the environment that could lead towards this incident and at the same time we want others especially men know the consequences of doing this awful action. In addition of this, basically the campaign key’s messages are about most rapists are people you know in which they can be your boyfriend, other relatives or acquaintance. For us, it is never too late to begin to heal as saying goes prevention is better than cure.
As we are living in such environment that values much on technological usage, thus we will use technology tremendously to achieve our objectives. Since the government has allocated some budget for public safety, therefore it might have no problem to continuously implement this policy provided with good political, social and culture. Meaning that, all parties will be participating in combating this rape issue as they share similar objectives without neglect the other parties.
The campaign method is different in terms of the level of individual itself. We will divide all the categories or the target groups into three levels in which level one consists of the kids or children at the age of five until twelve years old. The second level is focus more on secondary school in which those who at the age of thirteen until seventeen years old. The last category is to those who at the age of eighteen until thirty years old.
For the campaign, it will have different methods. In which we have decided to focus on media campaign, talk or seminar as well as workshop of self-defense and the distribution of pamphlet.
The first method we will use is media campaign. It is importance due to most of people in our society have influenced by watching the television, reading the newspaper and so on. Media including the newspapers, radio and magazine itself must play their roles in implementing this policy. It is being reported by Royal Malaysia Police College ’s Journal, media plays an important role in developing and influencing society’s perception. For example, radio and television can show the short advertisement in cartoon version to attract kids in which it informs kids for stay away from strangers. In addition of this, media can disseminate information that can be understood by all levels on certain environment should be avoided by women in order to prevent them for being raped.
Referring to Malaysia Progress Report on CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: 2004), the main focus of the prevention the dangers of trafficking are through public awareness or media campaigns. Therefore we could apply this in preventing the rape cases to be increased. Moreover, mass media itself must always report the rape cases in Malaysia in order to make others aware about it especially women. It means that, mass media itself must constantly publicize and highlight the issues that could lead to rape, and the effect of this activity towards victims as well as rapist itself. All these hopefully could make women aware and avoid themselves to the situation that could lead to rape.
In addition to media campaign, we think that seminar and workshop on women safety is also crucial to create awareness among women. The seminar will be organized by the responsible organizations which will tentatively conduct four times in a year. This seminar will be a compulsory activity to public sector including schools, universities and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as well as private sector.
The modus operandi will focus on theoretical and practical aspects of women safety. In theoretical aspect, the module generally in form of talks and public lectures that emphasize on the environment that could lead to rape, while practical aspect will concentrate on how to defense ourselves from being attacked and raped. Warner (2002) mentioned there was 81% reduction in the likelihood of completed rape for women who used physical protective action, controlling for situational and demographic factors as well as the use of other strategies. This is why we feel that this type of seminar is one of the most effective ways to achieve our goals.
A series of activities is use to disseminate information on rape and to create public awareness of legal reform initiatives. For example AWAM can initiate a traveling road show to present the issues of rape and domestic violence to communities through dramas, skits and workshop discussions. Street theatre, public opinion surveys, petitions, exhibitions at shopping malls, and seminars in educational institutions and with community groups were also used. In fact they have done this before but the thing is; for the current situation all parties should collaborate and conduct this event continuously.
In order for this policy to reach their objectives, all parties must put their efforts by continuously conduct this kind of program in the society. The prime movers of this policy are students’ club in schools and universities, NGOs, political parties, police, public and private sectors as well as public citizens. They should constantly work together with the purpose of achieving the designated objectives. As reported by CPPS, in 9th Malaysia Plan it stated that efforts will be taken to enhance the maintenance of public safety and security in order to further improve the quality of life. It is supported by Najib’s speech in which he mentioned that in budget 2009, an allocation of RM830 million was provided to implement social safety net programs.(The Malaysian Insider: 2009). Since the government itself has allocated some budget and resources, therefore we hope all major actors must play their roles in order to make this policy succeeds.
In conclusion, what we can summarize is that, rape cases one of the contributors to crime rates to increase. Because it keeps increasing, therefore we develop several alternatives that could reduce rape cases in Malaysia and we choosed the relevant one.
Thus, for us the effective alternative or solution in preventing and reducing the rape cases to be increased is continuous campaign. It can be conducted in many ways. Our concern is media campaign as well as seminar, talk or workshop on self-defense.
The target group is from the age of 5 until 30. The most important is that, he actors that involve in this policy implementation must be responsible which are government or public and private sectors as well as NGOs. We hope this alternative could reduce the rape rates in Malaysia and finally Malaysia able to promote zero cases in the society towards rape cases.
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Centre for Public Policy Studies: Crime retrieved on August 16, 2009 from http://cpps.org.my/resource_centre/Crime.pdf
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Pak Lah Wants Stiffer Punishment for Incest and Rape against Children: The Star: April 7, 2002
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Royal Malaysia Police Official Website
The Straits times Interactive , Singapore . Tuesday, April 16, 2002
Utusan Malaysia Online, Malaysia . Tuesday, April 16, 2002.
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Woman’s Aid Organization Website
Good Information. keep it up !! :)
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